This dialog allows you to select a Background color and Hatch color and pattern for the portion of HyperSnap-DX window that's not filled with a captured image.
You can decide if you like the image positioned in the top left corner or centered, when the capture doesn't completely fill the application's window.
Also you specify here the color and pattern applied by the program to transparent areas of images that support this feature.
The background color and hatch values could be very important when you want to test image transparency. On the Background Color button of the HyperSnap-DX 5 drawing toolbar, you can select one color from the image and make it transparent, so that when an image is saved in GIF format (which supports transparencies) and it's later displayed in a web browser window, the web page background will show through the image in places where the specified transparent color exists.
By changing the HyperSnap-DX 5 image background here, you can thus test how this image will look on different colored or textured backgrounds, giving you a better feel for how it will appear on the destination web page when a reader views it.
You should choose a Background color and a Hatch color that contrast sufficiently well so you can clearly see what area of an image with transparent areas.
Click OK to apply your changes.